Beloved Osho.....

On that night i even cryed
cause the sky was so dark
cause the air was so cold
cause you were just a mirage
"Dark Night Of The SOUL:
We all learn how to be happy and to laugh and joke. Thats how the whole society go on a merry-go-round. But everybody is carring a deep, dark night within them, and nobody is even aware of it.
When you enter a medetative state you will firs enter this dark night of the soul. If you can pass though it - and there is no difficulty in passing through it - then for the first time you will become aware that your happyness was not true. False happyness will go and real sadness will come, and only after real sadness will real happyness surface. Then you will know that false happyness was even worse than the real sadness, because at least in the sadness there is a reality. If you are sad - but truly and sincerely sad - that sadness will enrich you.
It gives you a depht, an insight. It makes you awere of life and its infinite possibilities and of the limits of the human mind, the smalness of human consciousness encountering the infinity all around, the fragile life always surrounded by death. When you are really sad you become aware of all this things. You become aware its not just life - it is death too.
If you really want to be happy, dont just go on pretending, playing the game of being happy. As unhappyness comes, soon you will see that will darken, it will become intense. But when the night is dark, the morning is very close. Once you stop fighting, once you accept it, it will give you a silence, a deep humming. Of course its sad, but its beautifull. Even the night has its own beauty, and those who can not see the beauty of the night will miss much. "
Osho - "Everyday, 343"